Coupling the relevant physics the right way
Workshop on Cardiac Modeling
![]() about whatMathematical modeling of aspects of cardiac physiology, such as elastomechanics, electrophysiology and flow, has seen tremendous advances during the last years. The coupling of two or more of these physics to an integrated heart model remains challenging, though, due to differing temporal and spatial scales and various ways of interaction. In this workshop, we want to address the following questions: Which coupling scenarios are relevant for certain use cases (e.g. during a physiological heart beat or in disease modeling)? What are appropriate models to describe the coupling and methods to solve the coupled system? How to deal with uncertainty across multiple physics? whereHaus der Kirche, Bad Herrenalb (close to Karlsruhe, Germany) Public transport Karlsruhe, Hauptbahnhof Vorplatz - Bad Herrenalb, Bahnhof: Stadtbahnlinie S1 whenMonday the 15th of April, 2019 (10 am) - Wednesday the 17th of April, 2019 (3 pm) |
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invited speakers
Luca Dedè, MOX - Modeling and Scientific Computing, Politecnico di Milano
Peter Kohl, Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine, University Heart Centre Freiburg Bad Krozingen
Rolf Krause, Institute of Computational Science, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano
Gary Mirams, Centre for Mathematical Medicine & Biology, University of Nottingham
Steven Niederer, Biomedical Engineering Department, King's College London
Gernot Plank, Biophysics, Medical University Graz
Maxime Sermesant, Asclepios Research Project, Inria, Sophia Antipolis
Alfonso Santiago, ELEM Biotech & Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain
Samuel Wall, Department of Computational Physiology, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
The workshop is free, registration is required. Accommodation rates: single room 46 EUR, double room 30 EUR per person per night (will be booked by the organisers and paid by the participants at the venue).
registrationRegistration is closed. programmeThere will be invited presentations, a limited number of contributed talks and poster sessions. organized byChristian Wieners |
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funded by
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Verbundprojekt 05M2016 Ein integriertes Herz-Modell - Kopplung von Elektrophysiologie, Elastomechanik, Fluss und Kreislauf Förderkennzeichen: 05M16VKA |